I’m wondering why i always posted what i bought… but today also i’m writing about new product. By getting used to Singapore Life, looking for good food or cafe place near house. But to find more new shop, I wanted to expand area. Singapore’s public transport is very organized. Bus network is fully developed across the country. People can freely go to anywhere without car.
But there are some place can’t directly go. So better to have Personal Mobility Devices(PMS) like Segeway or eScooter. LTA(Land Transport Authority) has official rule for PMDs. So in Singapore, person can have PMDs. I just brought most reasonable eScooter.
Max Speed is 25km/h same as LTA’s rule. and available distance by battery is almost 20km. It’s enough to run around my home. Today, I just tried to confirm battery limitation and comfortable to ride. In the city, i faced some difficulty to smoothly run and out of city is very fun. But one issue is that acceleration power was dropped during low battery. Anyway I’m satisfied with entire performance with this price.