Happy new year 2019.
I’m far from writing blog in here recently. Actually main reason is there is no working desk in my current house. It means time to face to PC in home is dramatically reduced. It’s good for health condition, but at same time, no chance to summarize what I’m thinking etc.
- Originally I had goal to be person who can manage some team by using English till 40 years old. Fortunately there are some opportunity to do and almost made it by last year. It was good achievement.
- Over 10 years has been passed after started to work in online ads industry. Unfortunately getting boring and not exciting changing on this industry. There are some factor to cause that feeling, not only for long time, also sitll industry is growing, but seems not big changing etc
So I would like to explore another fileds or environment from this year. Maybe this is the biggest target in this year.
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