Video for online privacy protection by apple

There are some opinions for this video in Japan. Because this video is too much emphasising that any data handling on marketing must be wrong. But those opinions are mostly in side of marketing and tech company side who are dealing with online marketing. Recent all of marketing activity are heavily depending on user data analysis by associated with user’s IDs. The perspective of consumer is not well considered than company side benefit. It’s unbalance  between consumer and business in last decade tech development. This is a part of reason I left from the industry.

 In fact, the online tech company is also caring the privacy protection by anonymising, so not bidding by persona name basis in the video. But at same time, regardless online or offline, there are some hidden trade about no anonymised persona data as violating the law, so platform vender should make function to protect user from at least criminal, also making well balanced system between consumer and business. So I can agree with the video and apple’s direction on this topics. 

Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere

Regardless of covid 19 impact to work style, my working environment was remote with other countries among Singapore, Japan and India. So remote communication is a kind of basement of work. Recently due to prevention for infection, work from home has been spreaded to many industries and to many countries. Some of major IT Company (called “GAFA”) although are planning to back to office, still not sure the concrete plan to do and remote work will be continued. Under this situation, this book seems be in best seller in Global company or IT company had already had good experience and many learning before covid19. But company in Japan faced some challenging to make sure “Work from home”. There are many fundamental issues in Japan’s company like HR system, management method and collaboration works. This book focus on “collaboration work” to delivery projects, not mentioning about HR system and management method which is most critical in Japan’s case. So I’m not sure How much effectively read and converted this knowledges to real world in Japan, but there are many good element for Remote work team if you don’t have any issue of HR system/management method in your company. If you need to make remote working environment with oversea team, this book is recommended to read.

just looking back my experiences, honestly say, first case was failure. but not caused by communication method and work style well mentioned in this book. As a part of this book, Language and culture were main issues we faced. And especially language issue is critical to make enough conversion in remote teams, unnecessary wall “us and them”. And translation cost by some alternative person is not reasonable for most of cases, so before starting remote work, I wanted to say from my experience, we should not neglect the issues. in this book, you can get good advice to solve those issues as well. That’s why I wanted to get this book at least 6 years ago.

Escaping the Build Trap

I read this book in this march although it’s famous in our web industry. Author has a variety of experience as Product manager, based no those, he explained success case/failure as organisation.

Most impressive thing in this book was difference between “output” and “outcome”. People who use English as 2nd language, sometime translation and understanding for the difference is not so big, but having good example in this book, I well reconginzed not same, it’s clear difference for business. Number of delivery as project is output, it’s apparently one of the realised thing into the world, but it’s not final goal, it’s just method to achieve the goal. Goal as business is definitely “Revenue”. Just delivered which is not related with any revenue / profit does not make sense for business. This author is saying that unfortunately of some product team has good KPI for project delivery as “output”, focus on making function first rather than to generate money. but it’s not good way to make strength Product management team, product team should focus on “outcome” like profit, revenue is main message in this book.

In fact, it’s heavy responsiblity to have outcome base target because there are many dependency with another team in company to make sure outcome. Sale and marketing team is one of the key to create great sales by making good messaging to appeal the product. But if product team ignore how they can do their work, at the end, Good result will be not happened. Sometime blaming each other is common issue in many product company, product team complains sale/marketing does not work well then sales number is not good, in opposite case, sale team criticises that product is not attractive for our customer as reason of not good sales. To solve those chicken and egg issues, product team should have wider view and mind for product’s outcome is my understanding of this book.


Adobe archived record sales.

Last week I wrote about Adobe Cloud Subscription license. In this week, according article posted on TechCrunch, Adobe had record sales in this year since changed business model from package to subscription.

Adobe’s Record Revenue Proves Successful Business Transformation Is Possible

Accidentally the article is explaining business impact of subscription with actual figure, so I was surprised to read such kind of article after i posted. At the same time, as user point of view, current Adobe Cloud monthly fee is higher than we expect or package license. I believe there is room to price down as their effort..Also profit is very important as company for the future advance. The profit will make some investment to develop new productive and beneficial function and products as basic economics. So I don’t prefer to blame the record sales itself.

Let’s keep eyes on these situation.

Subscription License for Adobe Cloud and MS Office

Major software company is shifting software license from package to subscription. As you may know, it makes those company be able to get stable revenue and prevent illegal software usage. As for Adobe Could, there is no option to select package license at this time. Personally I prefer to buy it since i can select whether upgrade or not when they released new version, and skipped some version to save money. As result, under this situation, my payment for adobe is totally increased.  I am helplessly paying monthly fee for that. 

But i noticed sometime Amazon or some online software site offers discounted annual license for Adobe. And today I found 30% off in as Cyber Monday Sale. I quickly bought it and apply issued code to my account. Then my subscription was extended to one year. I guess someone doesn’t know this approach to save annual cost. So  I summarized this finding to recommend Adobe Could user who pays monthly fee without any discount.

Actually I choose subscription license for MS Office to upgrade from 2011 to 2016 last month, just and I could do some approach. Basically MS subscription Fee is reasonable than adobe Cloud and they offers package license so far.