I read this book in this march although it’s famous in our web industry. Author has a variety of experience as Product manager, based no those, he explained success case/failure as organisation.
Most impressive thing in this book was difference between “output” and “outcome”. People who use English as 2nd language, sometime translation and understanding for the difference is not so big, but having good example in this book, I well reconginzed not same, it’s clear difference for business. Number of delivery as project is output, it’s apparently one of the realised thing into the world, but it’s not final goal, it’s just method to achieve the goal. Goal as business is definitely “Revenue”. Just delivered which is not related with any revenue / profit does not make sense for business. This author is saying that unfortunately of some product team has good KPI for project delivery as “output”, focus on making function first rather than to generate money. but it’s not good way to make strength Product management team, product team should focus on “outcome” like profit, revenue is main message in this book.
In fact, it’s heavy responsiblity to have outcome base target because there are many dependency with another team in company to make sure outcome. Sale and marketing team is one of the key to create great sales by making good messaging to appeal the product. But if product team ignore how they can do their work, at the end, Good result will be not happened. Sometime blaming each other is common issue in many product company, product team complains sale/marketing does not work well then sales number is not good, in opposite case, sale team criticises that product is not attractive for our customer as reason of not good sales. To solve those chicken and egg issues, product team should have wider view and mind for product’s outcome is my understanding of this book.